Friday, March 16, 2012

Love this time of year!

We have been in our new house since mid-August and we are loving it. Since it has been such nice weather, one afternoon I took some pictures of the pond behind our house, the horse pasture and my sweet dogs. I am sure there will be more pictures to come...especially as we do some landscaping.

backyard and pond

pond again

horse  pasture

horse pasture

sweet Sophie girl

the man of the yard, Fulmer, and his favorite toy

Queen Lillie

Maggilicious a.k.a. Maggie





Sunday, March 11, 2012

Kindergarten Kids

We have had a busy few weeks in Kindergarten. Since my last post we have celebrated Valentine's Day, President's Day and the most glorious bookfair week!!! Every year for Dr. Seuss' birthday we get a full week of fun in the library. Our library hosts a fantastic bookfair and the students get to dress-up. We got three dress-up days this year, Monday was dress like your favorite Dr. Seuss character, Tuesday was luau day and Friday was pajama day. I have pictures from Dr. Seuss day and Luau day for you to enjoy! We also celebrated Western Wednesday last week. We were learning the letter Ww and what better way to learn the letter than to dress-up! The kids, and teachers, really enjoy dress-up days! 

Valentine's Day

Valentine card boxes

Abraham Lincoln's Log Cabin

We learned a lot about Abraham Lincoln.

Dr. Seuss character dress-up

Celebrating Dr. Seuss' Birthday

Dr. Seuss character dress-up

Luau dress-up

Luau dress-up

Surf's Up Boys!

Hang Ten Girls

Our awesome class on Luau dress-up day

Wild Western Wednesday to learn the letter Ww

Wild Western Wednesday