Monday, July 29, 2013

Busy Summer!

So obviously, I haven't blogged in awhile. We have had an extremely busy summer and boy has it flown by! Ryan celebrated his 5 month birthday in June and 6 months just last week. This boy has changed so much over the past few months that there might be a picture overload in this post. :) 

Ryan has been eating baby food all summer and loves it! I am making it all from fresh veggies and fruits. It's easy to make and only takes about an hour every couple of weeks to stock the freezer. He has had sweet potatoes, green peas, avocados, pears, apples, carrots, bananas, and apricots (yuck!). He did not like the apricots, but has loved everything else. He is also drinking some juice and water. Thank goodness our little one loves to eat! 

We have been to visit Huntsville Pediatrics twice this month due to Ryan having a "summer cold." He has been congested, hoarse, and puny. A lot of that comes from teething, but we were given the ok to start giving him Motrin, which helps a good bit. His bottom gums are swollen, but we haven't seen any teeth yet. We have a good friend, Heather Pettit, who works at Arab High School as the nurse. She has been such a blessing to us because she has saved me from calling the doctor a few times. It is so nice having her right down the street and she loves Ryan and really gives me good advice. :)

I have been working on my School Counseling Intern hours this summer at the high school which means I have had to leave the little guy three days a week. My mother in law has been keeping him two days a week and then he has had the best babysitter, Mallory. He loves Mallory and we were so blessed to find a babysitter who loves him like we do. He will miss seeing her every Monday since he will be starting Gilliam Springs CDC on August 12th (more on that in another post).

My sister introduced Ryan to dirt this past weekend! He LOVED any boy should! Ryan loves his Aunt Babby because she is very entertaining to him! :)

Alright, now for some updated pictures. Sorry for the long post...I will try (haha) not to wait two months until the next post.

Sweet Little Monkey

Ryan having tummy time (5 months)

Sweet boy has found his feet!

Rolling over...he thinks it's overrated. 

Loves his hats and sunglasses!

Besides eating...I think bath time is his favorite time of day!

I took Ryan to visit the cemetery where my Grandpa Baker is buried.

Ryan's first time in the pool

Water baby!

Ryan all smiles at 6 months!

First July 4th!

This boy LOVES to sit!

First time having a he loves them!

At the park in the big boy swing!

We met Haylee and Makayla in Guntersville for a walk and playdate!

Playing in the dirt!

So thankful my sweet grandmother can watch Ryan grow!

This boy has been with us for 1/2 of a year already! 

Big boy at 6 months!

Sorry, again, for the long post. :)