Wednesday, October 2, 2013

8 1/2 Months

I just remembered that I have a blog...oops! I have obviously been a little side tracked lately...with school starting back and trying to adjust our lives to two working parents and a baby. It's been an adjustment, but we are surviving. 

I have moved up to first grade this year and am loving it. I have a wonderful class full of 18 precious children. I have always loved teaching, but being a mommy now has made me love it even more. Sure, I wish I could be home with Ryan each day, but he loves being at school around his new friends. Ryan attends Gilliam Springs CDC 5 days a week and loves it. It is so nice to have somewhere for him to go while we are away...and they truly LOVE him. We love Ms. Judy and Ms. Cyndee and can't imagine Ryan in school anywhere else. 

Ryan is now about 8 1/2 months old...whew! Time sure has flown fast since we brought him home back in January. He is sitting, trying to crawl, eating like a mad man and is so playful. He has learned to click his tongue, say momma/dada, and play peek-a-boo. He loves being around people! He is always so good when we go to a restaurant or out shopping. I love taking him to the park or even just out in our yard to play. I wouldn't trade this mommy job for anything! 

As soon as I upload all of my most recent pictures I will do a post with lots of updated pics. :)